Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Good Foundation Brush

right there in my hallway. Yes, if I know it is hard to find but I have seen. Seriously, I saw with my own eyes, little word of baby Jesus. Furthermore, these do not vanish overnight, as in other parts of Spain. They are there forever.

Three. Three runners rather beautiful, well lit, with floor, walls, its roof ... but do not rule out that there is more. A few say flatly that the cafeteria out a corridor that ends at the library, but it's all legend. To date none have been brave enough to come close.

Of the previously mentioned three corridors that do exist, one is currently home to Wave Campus Radio Television of the University of Extremadura. In it we find a television set, a control room, several editing suites, a radio studio, etc. And a nursery.

Right. In that idyllic workplace, where every day people shouting to each other by the tension of having to deliver a product as soon as audiovisual ... every once in a while a young man with a soccer ball, a preteen with a basketball or a child of the LOE with a Scooby-Doo scooter.

And of course, isolated facts soon became a habit. Aaquello would again the situation was untenable. One way or another, had to adjust.

Marcos Casilda, creator of the message, invites you to
click image to enlarge.

second thought, if my school had no classrooms corridors would be on top of each other, and we should reach them by climbing a steep staircase . My school would not be an option but a beacon, and changes would be a class climbing expedition fledged:

- Where is José Luis? has been in the nineteenth floor! No!
"We can not lose more time. Let's go.
"We have to go back for him ...
- was asthmatic! Nce S what is exposed to up here!
"But was carrying notes of" Media Technology II "
-José Luis is dead. Deal with it, dammit!
-No. Still alive. Vive!
- Do you know what ... I did it! I killed him! And I do not regret it!
- But why?!
- It was slowing down, damn it!


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